

Important Notice: this item is nonreturnable.

LEE Pro Pack Lighting Gels.  This Lighting Pro Pack consists of 24 specially selected lighting filters.

Sheet size: 610mm x 530mm (24" x 21")

15 colour effect filters used for lighting backgrounds and creating special effects. Colours are 101 Yellow, 103 Straw, 104 Deep Amber, 105 Orange, 106 Primary Red, 111 Dark Pink, 113 Magenta, 115 Peacock Blue, 119 Dark Blue, 122 Fern Green, 124 Dark Green, 126 Mauve, 132 Medium Blue, 164 Flame Red and 170 Deep Lavender.

The four colour temperature correction grades included are 201 Full C.T.Blue, 202 Half C.T.Blue, 204 Full C.T.Orange, 205 Half C.T.Orange, these are used to balance colour temperature when working in a combination of daylight and tungsten lighting conditions.

Two Neutral Density grades, 209 0.3ND and 210 0.6ND can be used to reduce the power of a flash head or studio lamp, to balance the intensities of lights or flash.

Completing the package are two sheets of 216 White Diffusion, for use on their own or with other filters to eliminate shadows and soften the overall lighting effect.

For more information visit the LEE Filters Website

Sku: PP

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